This documentation site is generated with the Sphinx and the customized Furo theme.

I make this theme is a complete different that’s original Furo theme. It is customized to my needs and, above all, the light theme options have been turned off.

If you want to check what changes have been made please check the mdsanima.css file which is in /docs/_static/ directory on this package repository and you can also see it in CHANGELOG pages.

You can navigate through the docs by using the keyboard with the Left Arrow < or Right Arrow > key.


All markdown files that we write in this repository for documentation or quick tutorials that will also been posted in this repository must be written in a specific way to maintain unity and transparency.


The markdown file must be started just like any other file that is now in the documentation. The first paragraph must contain an octicon and a name in the backtick that generates a capital literal code. The second paragraph and the others must also be capitalized, the first part must be normally spelled and the second part of the name in the backtick code letter.

All internal links should be look like this example link. However, all external links that lead to other pages should also contain an icon informing that you are going to another page like this example link which goes to the GitHub mdsanima-dev page organization.

In addition, each documented page written in markdown should contain an appropriate metatag and corrected page title and description. For this options we’re add sphinxext-opengraph extension to generate OpenGraph metadata. For debug metadata praview how our webpage documentation will look on Google, Facebook, Twitter and more please check debug meta tag links section.


Please just check how this file is written in the repository that generates this page. We also adhere to the fact that files written in markdown for documentation should be written up to 79 characters per line. There may be exceptions when adding a link and there may be more characters on one line.

It may also happen that the text is not written correctly in the English language. My native language is Polish and please don’t laugh if something is misspelled. Every day I try to improve my writing and speaking in English, but this is hard for me.


Here is some examples of how we can write documentation in markdown file with reStructuredText rst directive.

This is a code-literal text written in markdown file.



/etc/passwd ctrl + s

You can also make this example code literal with rst directives code:

{kbd}`ctrl` + {kbd}`s`


This is an example of Font Awesome Icons with custom size and color with standard html code.

Markdown should be a this html code:

<i class='fab fa-markdown' style='font-size:24px;color:red'></i>
<i class="fas fa-terminal"></i>
<i class="fab fa-bitcoin"></i>

You can also make this icons with rst directive.

Markdown should be a this rst directive code:

{fab}`fa-solid fa-markdown fa-2x sd-text-primary`
{fas}`fa-solid fa-terminal fa-2x sd-text-info`
{fab}`fa-solid fa-bitcoin fa-2x sd-text-warning`

This is an example of Octicon Icons with custom size and color.

Markdown should be a this rst directive code:


When you want to add the same icon, but in directives eval-rst inside markdown file you must use a colon instead of the curly brace {fas} and {octicon} like this :fas: and :octicon: and rest of code to generate icons.

This is a example of adding a img or svg with custom size.

Markdown should be a this html code:

<img src="../../_static/images/mdsanima_dev_python_package.jpg" width="128" height="67">
<img src="../../_static/images/mdsanima_logo_rc2_light_01_cyan.svg" width="90" height="67">
<img src="../../_static/images/mdsanima_dev_python_package.webp" width="128" height="67">


Block code in this theme has been changed so that if you want to use a block code you can use three examples that differ in color on the front and back edges.

The python block code is rendered like this and is marked with green color:

from mdsanima_dev.emoji import show

The shell block code is rendered like this and is marked with orange color:

mdsanima-dev frames-to-timecode --help

The markdown block code is rendered like this and is marked with blue color:
